Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Child Sleeping is Sacred Ground

My father-in-law said something like this once when McKayla was a baby. It has stuck with me ever since. I will admit that at times the loud voices and crying and constant demands for my attention are overwhelming and great. But then there is the night. The quiet night when my babies sleep. Chad has often commented on how he loves to wake our children from their sleep because they have their very own sweet smell on them. Too bad the only smell I have on me is morning breath.

My first child is a very independent, and active girl. She runs and bounces and plays all day long. When she sleeps she cuddles us. In the morning she crawls into our bed and in the sweetest voice says, "good morning mom". I love it. Then she will hug us and snuggle and tell us she loves us. Then she promptly wants to eat.

Ariana has always been less adventuresome then her older sister. From the day she was born she has wanted to snuggle. She is a fairly happy baby, as long as mom is around. At six months old she does not tolerate me being too far away from her. Even at night she rolls to the side facing me in her crib. I watch as she peeks her sleepy eyes open, she makes sure that I am there, sighs and goes back to her baby dreams.

A sleeping child is sacred. It is at these quiet times that I reflect on what amazing children I have. I marvel at what they teach me daily and my many blessings. But all too soon morning comes and my frustration grows and my voice becomes louder, but I will always have the night.


Sherri Price said...

This will make a beautiful journal. I just write captions for my picutes and you tell real feelings. Thane's brother's wife has a website where you can put your blog into a book ,kind of like the one you mentioned the other day. That could be a neat keepsake!

Krista said...

No. its not a journal. That is upstairs where I write what our family is up to and all of my crazy thoughts. I wanted to write all sorts of stuff. I was testing out a night view on the camera while the girls were sleeping and then wrote down thoughts to go with it. Nothing too special. Your blog is great I love it. McKayla wants me to go to it all the time so that she can see her cousins.