Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Some people have endurance muscles. They are able to go long distances and work hard for a long time. Some people have strength muscles. They are very strong for short amounts of time. I have the strength muscles in my body when it comes to exercising. In fact I would rather lift weights then do any cardio any day. I challenged my self to run a 5 K this last summer. It just about killed me, but by the end of summer I ran a 5 K in 37 minutes. Not the fastest but I did it. I still hate to run and it takes a lot to motivate me to run. however, i learned that I can teach my body to run. I have come to realize these last 3 months that my spiritual muscles are the ones for strength and not endurance. Three months ago my husband lost his job. He has been able to find part time work, but nothing compared to what we need to live. With the Lord's blessings we have been able to make it these past 3 months. Yet, I have not taken this challenge well. I find myself lacking in peace and faith because it feels like these last 3 months have lasted a short lifetime. So, much like my training to learn how to run a 5K I am focusing on how to help my spiritual muscles learn to endure. And not just endure, but to endure with joy. I must say I stink at endurance, patience and at the moment faith. Yet, i am still pushing forward so that should count for something right?

Monday, August 30, 2010