Saturday, November 15, 2008

Proposition 8

I debated all day whether or not to write this blog. I know there are a lot of high emotions on this subject. I hope to write a good blog that expresses my feelings, yet does not offend others. I understand that the gay population is upset over not having the right to get married. I can empathize with their situation. I would have voted for proposition 8, I'm not going to deny it, but I can still empathize. What I am upset about is the anger and vandalism that is coming from being upset. Part of what makes the USA so different is that laws can be changed by a majority of citizens. In this case over 50% of those in California voted yes on Proposition 8. I do not believe that 50% of California's population is LDS. I can't quote to you the percentage, but I really don't think it is 50 %. There were other groups such as Catholics, Baptist, and other Christians. No, probably not everyone who is a Christian voted yes. My point is the LDS population did not take away the gay's rights. The church did put in money for advertising, but in the end people made the choice. A law was put up for action and the people voted. Over half of California voted yes. Why is all of the vandalism and hate going on then? I would have been disappointed if proposition 8 got voted down, but I would not threaten to kill, burn down their hangouts, send mysterious powder to disrupt their activities, or commit hate crimes against their property. It makes me feel sad to read blogs were people are calling for temples to be burned down and the LDS population be persecuted. I feel sick to my stomach that in America people are so upset when the population votes against their wishes. You don't see supporters of McCain acting this way with the loss of the election. I thought we were better than this as a nation. I do feel anger. I try not to because anger is a secondary emotion. I guess I feel worry, fear and sadness that people are like that. I do understand that it is not everyone who was against proposition 8, it is a small group. I hope and pray that those who are behind the hate crimes will stop. I hope that LDS people everywhere can continue in peace, I hope that people on both sides of the issue will be safe from harm and not give into anger. There is enough hate and anger in this world, we don't need more.

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