Sunday, November 9, 2008


I remember as a kid being able to play for hours outside. I'm not sure why, but I seemed to enjoy playing by myself often. Don't get me wrong. My poor older brothers had to play in my doll house more than they wanted to. I remember sitting in one place and letting my mind drift to a whole different world. Before my eyes, whole new places or scenarios would play out. I now see this starting to happen with McKayla. I heard her saying "help, help" in her room yesterday. When I went to check on her she told me that she hadn't said anything. I know I wasn't going crazy. Then I noticed that she had her little people out and she was playing with them. Also, she started saying "there's a scary -----, at the door." Now this could range from a ghost to a care bear to a spider to a cookie. Then, she would race you to the door and conquer the scary object, while fully knowing she had saved our lives once again and she deserved a cookie in payment. Another thing she has done is taken objects that are not toys and found a way to entertain herself with them. Ariana' s pack and play has some little bars that help hold up a changing table part if you want to put it in. McKayla has used these 4 small parts to make a witches broom to fly on, a dinosaur footprint, a peacock and the letter "A". I am amazed at her. Yes, she still loves movies, but she can transport herself back into a place where we as adults seem to leave somewhere along the way. Her imagination is wonderful and I love to see her thinking and coming up with games. I always want her to be this creative and to allow me to tag along for the ride.

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