Sunday, November 23, 2008

The One and Only Chad

So I get to write a a post about my amazing husband! We have been married for 8 1/2 years. Wow. He is a great person and my very best friend. I am glad that I am married to him. Chad is a great singer, listener, and father. He simply dotes his attention on his two daughters. He sometimes gets in trouble because he should be doing homework but instead he is playing with the kids.

Favorite Foods: Apple pie, peanut butter, muffins, cookies and milk, and cereal with milk.

Movies: All of them. He loves to watch movies. He really likes super hero movies.

Sayings: "Sure"

Toys: Expensive PS2 or exercise equipment.

Places to go: He like to be home because he is never here that much.

Color: Green.

Dislikes: Paperwork, typing, polices, coconut, and mean people.

Drinks: Milk, juice, and pretty much anything.

This is my wonderful Chad. He is a great guy; in case you didn't know.

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