Sunday, February 21, 2010


Every year during the Valentine season millions of boxes of Sweethearts are produced, purchased and eaten. Now the little hearts say cute things and they are really fun to play with and give to others. Yet, they are so gross. I do not like eating those candies. I realize that it would not be Valentine's without them, but can't they taste better? Not even the new sparkling ones tasted good. So, I wanted to know if anyone likes the taste of these candies. If you do, great! I am happy for you. But, if no one does, the question remains as to why we buy the stupid things. Granted they are cheap, but I almost feel like they are the fruitcake of the Valentine candy world. Everybody gets them, no body eats them, and yet it would be Valentine's with out it. If I really wanted to stretch psychology really far, maybe I would state that my thoughts on this holiday stem from too much yucky candy given to me as a child. If someone loves me, why do they keep giving me these boxes of candy that I throw away? However, I realize that my thoughts on this holiday go much deeper than that, which is a post that may or may not surface in the future.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Ha Ha!! I TOTALY agree Krista! They ARE gross!!! I suppose that we buy them because they are CHEEP and FUN for the kids. Kids don't seem to care so much about taste in their candy as entertainment value. That is just my though. lol.