Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Much Fun!

My daughter has been pestering me to let her go outside for 3 days. She has a cold so I've been putting her off. Yesterday morning her threw up, so we missed church because I didn't want to contaminate anyone. Now we think it was due to drainage from her cold, but it never hurts to be over cautious. Ariana has a green nose and I have to bulb it out a few times a day. She hates that. So, today I finally gave into the pestering for 5 about 5minutes. I was outside working on clearing the driveway, and Chad got the girls dressed for the cold and let them come out for a little bit. The snow still won't pack for a snow man. We did pull the girls around on the sled and make snow angles. i had fun. I didn't really want to come in, but I knew that I was pushing it with them being sick. McKayla cried and had a minor melt down because she "won't get sick outside". She wanted to keep playing. I told her that maybe we could play for a few minutes tomorrow. I am glad we have a little snow. I love a white Christmas. Here are some snow pictures.

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