Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Did I tell you all that we finally got our roof re shingled? It was a very tough decision. 1). No matter if we hired someone or we did ourselves it would cost a lot of money. 2). Money is always tight. I don't know anyone that thinks to themselves "we have money lying around. Let's spend it on something practical rather then fun." 3) my beloved husband is working 45 hours a week and is in his last semester of grad school. This means that he has 25 hours of homework on top of his jobs. Plus, I have a hard time letting him study because he is my very best friend in the whole world so I always want to talk to him when he is home. And his two daughters love to play with him and they love to have their daddy's attention. So after researching different companies and pricing it out for ourselves we finally had it done on Monday. It looks so pretty and I can stop looking at my ceiling wondering if a brown spot is going to show up. I'm glad it is done and I love it. Next year we are going to add insulation and replace the basement windows. I think in 15 years our house will be just how I want it. I love our little home and I am so blessed to have it. It's not the biggest house or the newest bit it suits out little family just perfect. Plus, I have the best neighbors and friends close by.

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