Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My last bike was bought for me by my parents when I was in high school. The brakes no longer worked, and gears wouldn't shift and the handle bars were crooked from a crash a few years back. So, I started looking for a bike. I didn't realize how expensive those things can be. Are you kidding me. I won't discuss the price for the top of the line. The cheapest bike was at least $200. Gulp! I also wanted a really cute style that was closer to $500. Then i had an idea. I'm short (duh). I can buy a girls bike. I don't really need gears and I can get a way cheaper bike. So, that's what I did. However, it is pink and has a bell. McKayla loves it. She said that it is a good bike because it matches her bike. Also, when she gets older, she will ride it. I think I have a good 10 years with it before she will take it over.


Perpetual Mommy Exhaustion said...

It has a BELL? Suh-weet!

Marie Smith said...

Awesome!!!! I want to see some pictures of the new 'ride'... bell and ALL! =)