Friday, May 1, 2009


My beloved husband got all 4 wisdom teeth out today. The dentist said that his teeth were really stuck in the bone and that it was hard for him to get them out. He said that Chad will be hurting a lot. I stopped by Jack in the Box on the way home to get Chad 2 Oreo milkshakes (1 now and 1 later) to go with his vicaden. He is now sleeping in painkiller peace. Say a little prayer that he will get through this fast and be able to do homework and go back to work soon.


Sherri Price said...

Yikes! It is a hazy memory for me now. How long does he get to be off work? Hopfully he'll be good to go by then. No fun at all! My cheeks didn't get huge a little though, big enough that I didn't want a picture. Are you going to post how he looks later? Well good luck to you all.

Marie said...

I have to have mine out soon... I'm scared!!! =( Tell Chad to enjoy his milkshakes though and get lots of rest!