Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Christmas Spirit and Tears

McKayla is at the age that everything revolves around her. She is very excited about Christmas. She keeps asking me if she can have every toy she sees. I tell her no. She just smiled and told my that it was okay because Santa would bring it to her. I told her that Santa would bring her 1 or 2 toys. Nothing more. Then I tried to explain about the real meaning of Christmas. I told her that it was about family and celebrating Jesus' birth. She kept saying it was a little bit about presents. I kept saying no. Then I told her that there were children who would get nothing for Christmas and that she should be grateful for what she would get. She didn't look convinced, so I asked if she were to receive no gifts, would she be mad and she said yes. I told her that was very selfish. Then she started to cry great big tears. Yes, I felt like the worse mother ever. Then I told her that Christmas can be a little bit about presents as long as she remembered the other stuff too. She said okay, but still she was crying. Then I reassured her that she was getting presents. She felt better after that. I guess the true meaning will come later. She likes the countdown stuff and the decorations. Tomorrow I will put up a slide show of decorating and getting the tree.


Sherri Price said...

She's kind of little to understand all that. I would cry too.:) I thought you mentioned you weren't getting a tree. So you decided to set one up after all?

el hyme said...

Oh my gosh sis she 's only 4! let her have the toys and the magic now there will be time for the true meaning when "santa" falters. I can't believe you made her cry over that you big meanie head! I'm getting her the biggest sponge bob whatever I can find now....yes I am.