Monday, April 19, 2010

Zesty Mozzarella Chicken

Today's blog is brought to you by another chicken recipe. First, I like chicken, so I am trying lots of new recipes. Second, I love Italian food, so I am trying healthy Italian recipes. Third, I still haven't recovered my camera from the US postal service (which could be a blog rant all in it's self). So I hope you enjoy.

1 egg white slightly beaten
2 Tb of milk
Put the about ingredients in a bowl
1 cup of bread crumbs
2 Tb Parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp of each of the following seasonings:
garlic powder
Cayenne pepper
Put the about ingredients in another bowl
4 chicken breast halved
1/4 C butter
1 C mozzarella cheese
8 oz tomato sauce (I used pasta sauce)
1 tsp basil

Put butter in pan and melt on med heat. Dip chicken into the first bowl and then the second bowl. Put the chicken in the pan and cook until done. Sprinkle chicken with cheese and remove from heat. Let it sit for 3 minutes.
In small sauce pan combine tomato sauce and basil. Cook until it is heated. Serve with chicken.

I ate some more spaghetti squash with this meal. It was really good. Chad asked how I was doing eating the squash and I said it was okay. It will never replace my love of a good pasta, but I know it is better for me.

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