Thursday, April 8, 2010


In case you didn't know, I love to scrapbook. Now, I am not great at the designs, in fact my goal is to get as many pictures on a page a possible. I like to spend money on embellishments, but then I try to make them go a long way. I also love taking pictures. I take a ton a pictures at every event. It's just so fun because every picture has a great story behind. McKayla loves to look at our scrapbooks. She will spend a long time just looking at what we have done and asking questions. The other day we were all watching a movie together as a family and she said "This is a great memory". I kind of chuckled and agreed. Then she became insistent that we take a picture of it right now. In her mind, if we don't take a picture of things, then we won't remember them. I tried to explain that some memories are caught on film, but more often than not memories are kept in our heads. She didn't like that idea too much. Now she wants to camera to follow us around all day so that we can remember what our life was like. The idea might be interesting. However, I'm not sure anyone wants to see what I look like at 5:15 a.m. when I get up to work out. I am grateful that McKayla wants to remember each day. Sometimes I wonder if she wishes to do more things, but if she wants to take pictures of her life everyday for her memories, then I must be doing okay.


Tina said...

lol. that is too cute!

Sami Jo said...

I've got to work on atleast putting pics in a photo book. I love this post. very sweet.