Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Sometimes life can be a challenge. My life the past month has been that. I have dealt with more spiritual, emotional, and temporal challenges in the last month than I feel like I ever have. I finally feel like I am waking up from the grief and dispair today and I can see somethings that I can learn from these challenges. First of all, I have learned that one can never become too comfortable in things. If you become comfortable, then slowly you start backtracking, and before you know it, trouble lies at your feet. Life is a chance to use every day to fight for what you believe and make yourself better. You can never just think or act like you are doing "good enough" because that is a very dangerous place to be. Adversity is no respecter of person. Trials come because of other's or your own choices. No one can escape this. it is life. Everyone has trials that are their very own trials. Another lesson is that fear and faith cannot co-exits. It is impossible. I am sorry that I have been away and not really among the living the last month. I am hoping to be more upbeat and positive. I need to meet my challenges rather than hiding from everyone. Thanks for all the love and support everyone has given me and my family. I appreciate it very much.

1 comment:

janis said...

You have pretty amazing insight. You are awesome! We are grateful for you.