Friday, June 12, 2009

Kids Say the Funniest Things

I love what comes out of McKayla's mouth. I thought I would share some of the funny things she says.

The other night I was tickling her and her head whacked into my nose. I had my eyes watering and I was holding my nose. She asked me what was wrong and I explained what happened. Her eyes filled up with tears and she started to cry. I asked her why she was crying and she wailed "I don't know!" It was funny.

Then I decided to quickly take her fishing last night. She informed me that we were going to catch a fish and fill our bellies with it.

We are heading to Poky tomorrow to see a friend get baptised. I decided to have Chad talk to McKayla about what was going to happen. She seemed to know more than we thought. She knew the earliest age people can get baptised and that we do to it wash ourselves clean. We told her that Jesus was baptised by his cousin John and showed her a picture. She said that she was excited for her cousin to baptise her. Hum...We'll work on that one.

Ariana loves to point to eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. She is also a climber. I figured that it was high time for her to learn to go to sleep in her own bed. I put her down for a nap. Chad found her outside of her crib crying by the door. We didn't hear her fall out, so we are assuming she climbed out and was stuck in her room because I shut the door. Please don't call CPS on me, I am not going to do that again!

McKayla has a little friend that she loves to play with. His name is Kayleb. He is a year older than McKayla. He told his mom a few weeks ago that he thought McKayla wanted to marry him. His mom asked if he was going to marry her, and he stated that he could do that. So, I told McKayla that he wanted to marry her. McKayla said, "But not until I'm older. Maybe like 5." Great, I have less than a year to plan this wedding. :)

Lastly, she wanted to know if our worms drowned when we fish with them. I asked her what she thought happened. She informed me that the worms would drowned and the fish would eat them, but Jesus said it was okay. I'm glad that I didn't have to soften it for her.


Marie said...

I love the cute stories! =) Weddings can be very stressful, so maybe you should try and keep it simple. I better get an invite! LOL.

Tina said...

Kids are so funny!!! Love the stories!

Perpetual Mommy Exhaustion said...

Jesus always sanctions the ingnominious death of invertebrates. Isn't that in Deuteronomy?